August 19, 2007

The Holy River Manifesto

I am not a writer of manifestos. I barely believe in anything enough to declare it publicly. In fact, rather than try to articulate any personal goals, I would much rather drink several glasses of cheap wine, smoke a pack of cigarettes, and fondle myself to the media's latest coverage of whatever scandal Lindsay Lohan is currently involved in. However, after a recent decision to take myself more seriously – though not too seriously, obviously – it occurred to me that while I have tried to define myself as a poet over the years, I lacked a community that could nurture that hopeless drunken romantic inside my soul that relied on words to fool beautiful women into sleeping with me. This is not to say that I wish to form a writing community solely in hopes that more women will sleep with me, although I certainly would not mind if this happened. Rather, I feel that only as a collective can we further the development of our art. It is with this belief that I call on my peers, the next generation of poets and writers, to join together and in some way shape what will become of all of us.

The Purpose of This Site

This blog is not intended to be solely a forum for workshopping, and posts do not necessarily need to be literary in nature. The site will become whatever we make of it. My only intent is to bring together a group of poets and writers, and I hope that by forming a sort of online art commune, we will all become more encouraged to work on our craft. To give you some idea, I will probably at some point make posts in the form of the following: prayers, epistles, quests for transcendence, philosophical bullshit/hippie bullshit, sociopolitical rants, book/music/etc. reviews, any incoherent rambling I think is worth posting for other people to see. I may even do some Scrubs fan fiction, mostly because I'm pretty sure season seven still won't provide me with that J.D.-Elliott-Carla three-way I've been hoping for all these years. There are no rules, and if there were, I'd not be the person who made them. Although I've been speaking about my intentions, my real hope is that a large enough group of writers will jump on this bandwagon and turn this whole idea into something larger than I could hope to make.

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