October 18, 2007

Shadow People

No, it's not an outright lie
More of a repetition of
Numbers and positions
Into colors, extensions, and sounds
An Earth-shattering roar
Into glacier, hills, and valleys
It's the atom, which shows itself
to the scientists in diagrams
and to the artist in
hard-thumping souls
"When we were young, we had so much fun
because we did not see the dead ends on the road"
Either a curse, or a blessing

Out here in a meadow of hearts
We all come together
Out here we sit solemn
Disease rests on these walls,
and creates a horizon
It's an ideal we're all followin
With a tattoo on my heart, and
large bloody scabs on my chest
I will never take my shirt off for you
and as long as I'm breathing
Through heaves and sighs
I will never ever rest

1 comment:

khrishna said...

well now.
i like this.
you flipflop between
the scientific and the imagistic
using atoms and diseases to
show people their souls.
something like that appeals to me.

it might seem that the two are mutually exclusive, but to me the connection is made beautifully apparent.