October 25, 2007

under a tree of cherries.

Holding you on a september night
the sweet dead smell of everything unwinds.
heavy cherries drip from their branches
breathing branches bow under the sky
The sky bends over everything like a holy dome.
and then all the space between the stars fills up with light.
and the stars too swollen to sing

Hum down to me.

October 23, 2007

Love Poem 21: Pruriency

Pruriency is a virtue
And you are an entheogen
And your thighs are like ice cream
And I am a licker
And your neck is like morphine
I am a junkie, I am crazy
When you arch your back into me and
I'm a little wild, when you let my imagination go
Can't you see where I'm taking you?
Close your eyes, Trust me
I'm going to make you purr

October 18, 2007

Shadow People

No, it's not an outright lie
More of a repetition of
Numbers and positions
Into colors, extensions, and sounds
An Earth-shattering roar
Into glacier, hills, and valleys
It's the atom, which shows itself
to the scientists in diagrams
and to the artist in
hard-thumping souls
"When we were young, we had so much fun
because we did not see the dead ends on the road"
Either a curse, or a blessing

Out here in a meadow of hearts
We all come together
Out here we sit solemn
Disease rests on these walls,
and creates a horizon
It's an ideal we're all followin
With a tattoo on my heart, and
large bloody scabs on my chest
I will never take my shirt off for you
and as long as I'm breathing
Through heaves and sighs
I will never ever rest

October 14, 2007


Roots and bark and chlorophyll
Xylem, phloem, foliage
Sap and leaves and stems and still
No better than your plastic hedge
For what is plastic, less than wood
but nature found and worked and formed
And whose to say what's true is good?
For paper roses bare no thorn

October 4, 2007

Love Poem:19

I know that you can't see
the stars beyond those city lights,
so I just wanted to let you know
that back here at home
they are hanging in the sky
like a chandelier
in my room of memories
the place I like to go
whenever I really miss you
And they really look so inciting
that I think maybe
we could meet up there tonight
and inside of our collective unconcious
lying in the field of stars
of the eternal cosmos

October 1, 2007

Optimism: a haiku

It is nice to know
That none of us are quite as
gay as Brett Michaels