September 24, 2007
an experiment
While you were off doing whatever chore had arisen
And I was alone with a pen and a sober mind
I caught a glimpse through another perspective
Of what this whole damn thing might be
"I tell people about you," you taught me yesterday
"But I twist it around so that I seem like the cool one."
And we laugh because you're such a scared little child sometimes
And we both know I'm too old to keep growing
But it wasn't always that way
And you saw that too
And when the trees shoot out flower-buds
From their branches like fuschia bullets
And laughter is plentiful
And good times are free
Or when we're just roaming around in mittens
And Superman socks
Looking for a bit of dope to inhale
I'm not thinking of you
And you're not thinking of me
But sometimes I'd love to have you around
And sometimes sometimes
You want that too
But the flower-buds bloom
And the pot burns away
And the thoughts drift to insects and book reports
Even your return triggers no response
And I am alone with a pen and a sober mind
Drawing angels and hearing you say
"Life is funny sometimes-
"Life really is funny sometimes."
"Yeah..." I say
And we part
To look at pictures we'll never take
Love Poem 18
and I would wonder
and then I would fret
because I was waiting
for the second
that I would fall
out of love with you
if even just for a second
But then one days
I was eating breakfast
and I stared into
my coffeecup and laughed
because it came to me
as simply as all real revelations do
This is love, and it is unconditional
September 21, 2007
The Almighty Dollar
I want to offer you
my solemnity
or my empathy
but all I can really
force myself to do
is laugh and say
'I told ya so'
September 11, 2007
September 6, 2007
Divine Electricity
I have peeled back the illusory layers of perception, seen the unseen, heard the unheard, felt the unfelt. I have calculated infinity. I have understood that there is no such thing as the past or the future. There is only the now, and it is fleeting. I have understood that there is no such thing as the past or the future, really. That everything that ever was and will be already is. I have stacked the blocks of spacetime and seen how time's arrow does not only fly forward but in infinite directions. I have learned how my now is only an effervescent moment that will undoubtedly pop into the next. I have questioned how many of those moments are actually happening – an infinite amount of bubbles popping into an infinite more. I have wondered how many me's there really are, or if there is only this one that exists in many ways. I have embraced dharma. I have killed my ego and resurrected it, still attempting to understand the paradox of desiring nondesire. I have watched Christ & Buddha wrestle for my attention, only to realize they were actually embracing one another. I now understand the capital T of Truth, why some things are worth seeking.
But when the sun sets and I am done asking questions, I have sat beneath the Centennial, watched the stars reflect in the